Sunday, February 8, 2009

More to Life than Living and Dying....

Today February 8, 2009 is the start of the new series in our church "One Life to Live. Make Every Moment Count."

The preaching started with this question "How are we living our lives today?". This is a very simple question but I am sure that its very hard to answer. Sometimes simple questions are the ones that we find ourselves thinking for a very long time before we can even say a word. Another simple question "Do we MAKE most out of our LIVES?"....

If you were to choose from the list:

1. Are you the kind of person who is living the past and doesn't enjoy today?
2. Are you the kind of person who is living just for today and doesn't care at all about the future?
3. Are you the kind of person who live for tomorrow?
4. or Are you living for today and trusting GOD for tomorrow?

Who are you then?....

Questions to ponder ...

1. What is my pursuit?
2. What is my passion?
3. What is my purpose?
4. Do I have the right priorities in life?

Have something to say? Please share.....

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