Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Blog Update

Wow! My first blog after 5 months. Lots of things had happened in the last 5 months.

April I lost my Baby Ron. The pain is still here. Looking at his picture brought back his last days. How he looked at me asking for help. He really fought hard to survice but it was really his time to go. The only good thing is he left me with two lovable and cuttest kittens - Matoy and Alesha. They are really Big Now and very very spoiled. hehehehe

May I went back to UK. Visit the Birth place of SHakespeare.

June I went to Wimbledon but failed to get in.....

July I went back again to Manila and stayed for 2 weeks. The worst two weeks of my life...Jet Lag the first and 2nd week I feel weak for not sleeping enough. Then went back to UK.

August I went to Cardiff Wales.

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